ammo not yet stored

How Long Does Ammo Last in Storage?

The price of ammunition lately is soaring, so gun owners are paying particular attention to where and how they store their ammo. How long does ammo last in storage? Properly stored ammunition will last for at least 10 years, and often much longer. However, manufacturers typically warrant ammunition to be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year. Quality ammo is very stable when stored correctly.

One of the nice features of our wood cabinets is that many of them also feature draws or cupboards for storing ammunition. USA Gun Cabinets has been handcrafting attractive, durable gun cabinets for decades. Since 1991, the Amish craftsmen in Lancaster County, some even second-generation, have made beautiful custom gun storage, with both hidden gun racks and for-display racks.

What Impacts the Shelf Life Of Ammo?

If you want your ammo to last a long time, always store it in the original cardboard box or a plastic container. Make sure that the ammunition is sealed inside of a watertight and airtight container. This also protects against rusting if there is any moisture present. Climate control is the key to how long ammo lasts. Heat and moisture are the biggest threats to your ammo. You want to avoid temperature extremes. Keep your ammo in a secured space that keeps it from sunlight.

Even our hidden gun cabinets come in styles that include cabinets for storing ammunition if desired.

Best Way to Store Ammo

Store ammo in a cool, dry place where the temperature remains between 55°F and 85°F. The relative humidity should remain between 55% and 65%.

A USA Gun Cabinet can provide the proper environment for ammo storage since it serves as a piece of furniture in your climate-controlled home. You may add to the lifespan of your ammo by placing it inside a water-tight, airtight, all-weather ammunition box. Storing bullets inside a vacuum-sealed plastic bag along with a silica gel packet is another option.

It’s not a bad idea to also mark the caliber, type of bullets, grain, and date of purchase on your ammunition for future use and discernment.

The Ammunition Manufacturer May Impact Shelf Life

The quality of the manufacturer’s workmanship will also impact the lifespan of ammo. Did the manufacturer use quality powder and primer? Was the ammo properly sealed? Typically, whether brass or steel cased, ammunition that is stored in a climate-controlled environment will last a long time.

How to Know if Ammo is Bad

If you discover that your ammo is old, it may be best to use it for target practice rather than self-defense. However, there are a few ways to determine if the ammunition is still usable:

Look at It – Does the brass look corroded? Is there any discoloration on the cartridge case or bullet? Is the primer a different color or does it look flattened out compared to other cartridges? This could indicate that your ammo was exposed to moisture, and it could have an impact on the gunpowder.

Remember that there is a difference between old ammo and bad ammo. Old ammo can still be good to use for target practice or plinking if it isn’t corroded or damaged in some way. If your ammunition was stored properly, chances are very high that the older ammo is still ok to use. However, if your ammunition was stored improperly or you have any doubts about its quality, it is best to get rid of it.

If you’d like help choosing a wood cabinet for your firearms and ammunition, send us an email!